

Go Technology Logo .PNG

高峰自动化机械有限公司从事自动化生产设备研发和制造, 主要针对染整行业和智能立体车库。公司经过多年发展, 凭借敏锐的全球化市场触觉, 坚持以科技为先导, 已经成长为集立体车场营运丶管理、设备制造于一体的现代化高新技术企业, 为解决都市土地资源紧张及停车资源配置失调带来的各类停车问题提供最佳解决方案。

公司总部设立于香港负责研发及营销,生产厂房座落于中国广东省,为国家高新科技企业, 持有ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证和特种设备生产许可证。产品具备国家特种设备型式试验证书和CE认证。目前公司主要为香港丶中国以及东南亚各国客户提供服务。


Go Technology Machinery Company Limited is devoting to the intelligent automatic machine for production. We are focusing on the Textiles and Auto-parking industrial sector. We always keep on updating ours machineries and technologies, and direct ours attention to the market to become the modern high-tech enterprise .With provide the intelligent car park management service and supply the automatic parking system with equipment to our customer.

Our head office located at Hong Kong which focus on R&D and the sales service directly. Our manufacturing plant located at Guangdong province, China. The factory plant belongs to the National High Tech Enterprise in China which is managing under the ISO standard. Most of the production line are operating with automatic equipment. The factory plant supplies most of the related products in high quality under EU standard to our customer over the world.

