



Qijian technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017. Specializing in the production of vertical circulation stereo garage, and good at solving parking problems in any scenario.

Our company takes the development principle by independent science and technological innovation, and we insist on high investment on advanced technology, and the introduction and cultivation of the professional team. Whats more, our company keeps sources integrated cooperation as the guide thought for scale development and business strategy, in order to expand the enterprise better for final contribution of the society.

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奇见车位应用的各项技术都拥有完全的自主知识产权,在垂直循环式立体车库的成熟技术基础上,从机械结构和外观、实用功能和设计上进行了包括安全性、实用性、功能性等多个层面上进行再研发,完全自主的创新技术中获得了超过10项发明专利、超过60项实用新型专利和外观设计 实用等方面的性能。同时基于上百项计算机技术软件著作权的控制系统、使用系统、运营系统和维保系统,重新定义了立体车库作为互联网智能硬件的存在。在以研发和创新为核心的创业理念指导下,奇见科技积累了丰富的科技创新与技术研发经验;在践行奇见新停车理念下的城市停车综合解决方案已经逐渐成熟并开始扩大投付使用范围,在这个过程中,奇见科技和奇见车位获得了用户、行业和社会广泛的认可和赞扬。

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